A lightweight frame lock knife designed for camping, hiking, and bush adventures. The built in carabiner clip enables quick attachment to all outdoor gear.
A manual opening knife, but can be opened one handed with the large machined recess in the blade. Just use your thumb to push outward on the recess and rotate the blade into place with no protruding thumb stud or flipper in the way.
Grey PVD coating on the blade grinds provides additional protection against the elements, with a Satin finish on the blade flats and on part of the back handle to add visual appeal.
The handle features Carbon Fibre overlaid G-10 front scale, and a Steel frame lock back.
Deep carry, single position pocketclip in a fixed tip up, right-handed carry position on the knife handle.
Deep Thumb Groove
Hollow Blade Grind
Pocket Clip: Deep Carry, Single Position, Right, Tip-Up
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